Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I believe an introduction is in order.

Blogging, huh? This is a strange territory for me. As a general rule, I keep my thoughts to myself, or late night one-on-ones, but what have I really got to lose? Any of you who would read on, I would probably have talked to anyways. Any of you who would judge, are perfectly within your rights. Any of you who would disagree, I welcome your opinions. And any of you who would listen, I sincerely thank.

Welcome to my thoughts, if they don’t always make sense to you then rest assured, I feel your pain. I overanalyze, underutilize and generally carry on living through rather imperfect processes. Take what you will; I’m here to give as much as to receive. If I can help, I’d be glad to, and if you could help, I’d be grateful. I promise not all of these will be sappy and emotional. I don’t live in a world of instability and venting insecurities, but I do wax reflective on occasion, so bear with me. Or skip around, I don’t care. It’ll probably be obvious when I’m actually writing a blog to you, and when I’m just processing my thoughts in a medium I’m comfortable with (writing, not blogging). I’ll try to add in events I find funny or ironic. I may throw in some fiction piece or other I want opinions on, whatever. I’m not trying to bore you with this, don’t feel as though you’re obligated to comment on, or even read, anything you don’t want to. I’m really doing this for me, but I’d like to invite you into my thoughts if you wish to be included. You’ll find that the wee hours of the morning find me at random conclusions, from sleep-deprived abstractions to sappy pseudo-philosophy that I think is too cool for school, until I wake up the next morning (you’ll see).
Anyway this is my intro to what may or may not become a blog space. Feel free to comment or critique anything, you’ll find me hard to offend. Tell me when I suck, or when I should have probably stopped writing. Compliments are nice, but there is really no need to fabricate a few to cushion a blow. I’m not here for empty reassurance, I’m fishing for criticisms. This is generally going to be me laying ideas out on the table to dissect and sift through for validity or fault, so feel free to lend a hand.
Stereopsis, pardon my nerdiness, means solidity of sight. It is the process by which we perceive depth from two-dimensional images by combining two different projections of the world. And this difference is granted to us by the binocular disparity caused by the fact that our two eyes see from separate locations. That makes it sound way more complicated than it really is, and I apologize for that (and any future overcomplicating I will inevitably fall prey to), but my point is that I’m telling you how I see the world, and I’d like to know how things are on your side of the nose, so that maybe we can figure out how far we have left to go.

P.S. I estimate that one-third of you thought that was a spiffy way to end that. Another third thought that was probably the corniest thing you’ve read all week. And the final third just thinks I’m trying too hard.

To all of you… you’re damn right.

By the way, I’m Chris.

(As it stands now the two latter thirds have come to an agreement.)
